Monday, June 11, 2007

Chocolate The Next Green Fuel???? Maybe Brown..

The best fuel now is not biodiesel or ethanol or what but it's actually hydrogen. However, the production of hydrogen gas is really expensive and very little amount of it can be produce at a short period of time.

Well, it is the best fuel because it only produces water only. So you can drink water from your car. Hot water.

However microbiologist may have found the answer!! The yummy way!!


Feeding waste products from a chocolate factory to Escherichia coli bacteria (E.coli) produce hydrogen gas like crazy.

The researchers fed the bacteria (E.coli) diluted caramel and nougat waste left over from the chocolate-making process. The experiment created conditions that caused the bacteria to ferment the sugars in the chocolate waste, which generated organic acids so toxic to the bacteria that they began converting formic acid to hydrogen like mad.

The discovery of a way to extract hydrogen from food waste could be a real breakthrough for both industry and the environment, because the process isn’t restricted to chocolate waste. It works equally well on many other types of waste.

The ability to convert food waste into clean renewable energy instead of garbage has the potential to transform the food industry. Using this process, food factories could conceivably use their own waste products to power their manufacturing operations, or to fuel a fleet of hydrogen-powered vehicles.

The researchers used the hydrogen to power a fuel cell, which generated enough electricity to run a small fan. Hydrogen is one of the cleanest renewable fuels around. When it is used to power fuel cells, for example, the only byproduct is water.

This is so cool!!

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