Saturday, June 2, 2007

Origins Of My Interest

After PMR, I didn't know if I want to take biology as a subject for my SPM. My science teacher asked what was my ambition when I didn't know what was my role in life at that time =D

Learning biology was fun. I get to learn many stuff I didn't know. It was the art of life.

I didn't want to be a doctor. Too many doctors in this world now especially in Malaysia. Other field need people too, not just in medicine. Competition is high too. Moreover I have never like doctors since young.

I got to know that I like learning greens when it was a topic taught in Biology. But too bad, the information that was taught was out dated and so little. Remember learning about the hole in the ozone layer? By the time we learned about the hole, it was actually fixed by then already.

We learned more about humans and plants when the environment is also as important as these two. They were focusing more about topics which concentrated on the medicine field. Resulting in more students going for medicine then for environmental science. And they do not expose students to other courses besides medicine and engineering when there are a variety of courses out there! Besides that, they make us feel that the best job in the world in being a doctor when it is so not true. If you don't want to be a doctor, you should better die.

Well I have opened this blog to share what i have learn throughout these years ( although it was just a short one ) and future to help people to have a better understanding and beside that, seeing me crap with words =D

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