Sunday, December 15, 2013

What would happen if human goes extinct?

From the look of it, I don't think human extinction will happen quite yet because at the current stage, human population is just so huge!

Even if there is a massive natural disaster, or a big health epidemic disease, it is quite impossible to wipe out the whole human population entirely because we are very scattered around the world. We have humans in the cities, in the jungles, at the ice poles, at the dessert, living on the sea etc. We are almost every where!

But what would happen if we are all gone?

I have tried finding for information on this but not much information is available.. so I tried to come out with several theories.

Myotonic/ Fainting goat

It is quite common to hear people say that many plant and animal species do not depend on human existence to survive. So basically, if we are gone, it will most probably will not affect the plant and animal population around us negatively but instead they may thrive. This is true but until a certain extend because some species in this world are still around because humans want them around due to agriculture/ scientific research etc. An example would be the fainting goat a.k.a myotonic goat which get easily paralyse when panic. This makes it easy to care for as a domesticated goat. If humans are not here any longer, it is quite difficult for these goats to survive as they will be very vulnerable to predators due to their inability to escape when being preyed.

Ever since humans were able to travel easily across the globe, the occurrence of introducing foreign species (plant & animals) to a non native land has cause many ecological 'disasters'. These foreign species, when they are introduced to a new location and which does not have its natural enemies, some may thrive and turn into an invasive species. It is not easy to control the growth of these invasive species, but there are times when we managed to find a solution to stop or slowdown their growth to prevent them from taking over the native species. It takes a lot of effort and maintenance to keep their numbers low. So without human interference, many of these invasive species may take over the native species. But then, if not because of the ease of human transportation from one place to another, these invasive species occurrence may not have had happened.

The stars would look brighter with less light pollution from cities around the world

If humans were gone, the sky would be darker and the stars & moon would shine brighter. You will be amaze how much our light from the cities around the world can light up the night skies, making the brightest stars not as bright as it was decades ago. The moon will be bright enough to help animals see in the dark.

The world would also be a more quite place. There will be no noises from racing cars, concerts, explosions, demonstrations, televisions, computer games, MTVs, Youtube videos, arguing couples, noisy children, toilet bowl flushing and many more human made noises. There will still be noises from bird chirping, animals mating, animals hunting, landslides, tsunami, thunder, rain etc but these will just be on certain 'occasions' and it won't be like 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year....

I'm quite sure that there will be more vegetation. The vegetation would start appearing every where, taking over buildings and if given enough time, these vegetation will be able to hide and cover up buildings and any other man made structures.

These man made structures would also be suitable habitat for many animals seeking refuge from the harsh weather like heat & rain. It would be like mini caves. But of course, if there are more animals hiding there, there would also be more predators lurking at these area to hunt for preys. It is almost like a coral reef.

What else do you think would happen once humans are gone?  

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