Sunday, June 3, 2007

Lets Start Burying CO2!!

Recently more people are aware about the global warming issue because it is said that we are at a crisis now where the earth is so warm now, it is melting the ice at the north and south pole causing cute polar bears to drown. And the sea level will rise and many countries will be underwater by 2030. Maybe Malaysia too unless it breaks off from the soil of the deep earth and start to float like a huge piece of floating land..

Well, actually there is nothing wrong about having a warm earth. Many people like it that way better actually. But it is not the warmth that is frightening environmentalist but the rapid change of temperature of the Earth that has became our concern.

So people especially scientist, are digging their brains out to think of a way how to stop global warming or at least slow it down. If not, there is not need to find a boy friend anymore because we could not stop the world from getting too hot for us to live in, we die. Or at least die with a boyfriend beside me.

And guess what, they found a solution!! Burying the main cause of global warming which is burying carbon dioxide! Cool eh? I have never thought of that before.. however it is just a suggestion and mini experiments will be carried out soon.

However you can't just simply bury carbon dioxide. It is a gas so it is need to be buried deep into the earth which have impermeable rock so that the gas buried cannot escape. Scientist said that the best place to bury them will be in the oil and gas reservoirs because it has been storing gas and oil for million of years, so that show us something yea?

Ok actually Norway is already trying the idea. Wells in the North Sea that produce natural gas also burp out carbon dioxide. To keep the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, it is pumped into a saline reservoir 3,300 feet beneath the sea floor. The amount of carbon dioxide buried every year: 1.1 million tons, or the amount emitted by 192,000 cars.

But to do this, a large amount of money is needed. But i think when every one starts to do it, it would not be so expensive anymore .

But some people are afraid the land might blow up ( meaning kaboom ) if too much CO2 is stored underground.. no one knows what will happen.

Anyway if burying CO2 really works, a lot of CO2 will be reduced. Alot. And then, i can start finding for a boyfriend again.

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