Monday, June 11, 2007

Think Before You Throw?

Yea I think before i throw. That day i brought the plastics bottles that i have kept for almost a year to the recycling centre and also water bottles from the house. All in about 5 big plastic bags. I didn't know that they weigh it like weighing books and newspaper too. All in I only get rm2.20 as my pocket money. I thought I could get more like rm5 but not just rm2.20. haha. They should weigh plastic items differently...

But going to the recycling centre near our house is fun. It's my second time going there. My first time was giving them stacks of our old school books and note books which students won't be using anymore after our SPM. I got back rm 8. When i reached there , there were cars coming in and out just to sell plastic bottles and i was a bit touched because with that little amount of plastic bottles, they won't get much, they do it because they care. Maybe you would say that they are very poor, so they grab what ever they can, but these people drive posh cars yea know?

At the recycling centre, i saw a lot of new papers stacks but seriously, if you want to sell your newspaper, its better to sell it to the newspaperman (payper lama guy) better because you get more money. But if you want to get rid of plastics items ( it doesn't matter what kind of plastic ) just dump them in a plastic bag and let them weigh it and get your money. You can also give them batteries, scrap metals ( well i saw a broken chandelier, i guess they accept almost anything except rotten stuff ), glass??? Anything??? I am gonna try the spoilt CPU next time. hehehe. But of course it have to be recyclable.

One more thing which i like about these recycling centre is that, they hire people who don't usually get hired. Maybe a guy who lost one of his leg or something like that. And they are really friendly.

Lastly, for those of you who don't know, recycling centre is not the place where they change your items to something new at that place. Maybe some of you might think that they melt your plastics and glasses there to produce new and fancy stuff. Well, it's not. Its just a small little hut or a place where they just collect your items and wait for a lorry to come and collect these items and send to the factories to reincarnate.

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