Friday, June 8, 2007

Eco Suicide Tourism

Another post about global warming.

If you go to Greenland, you think that you hear thunder. But in Greenland, they don"t have thunder there. It's the ice cracking inside the icebergs. If you are lucky you might see one break apart.

Anyway that wasn't what I wanted to write about.

Well, there is no need to say that the ice in Greenland is melting because I suppose that people know about it.

We need more happy thoughts =D

At least the warmer climate there now is doing wonders to fishermans there. What a sad thing to say.

Read this:

Warmer waters entice seawolf and cod to swim farther north in the Atlantic into Greenlandic nets. In this Disko Bay town, the world's iceberg capital, the harbour is now open year-round because winter is no longer cold enough to freeze it solid.

Warmer weather also boosts tourism, a source of big development hopes for the 56,000 mostly Inuit inhabitants of Greenland, which is a self-governing territory of Denmark.
Hoping to lure American visitors, Air Greenland launched a direct flight from Baltimore last month, and there is even talk of "global warming tourism" to see Warming Island.

One commentator, noting the carbon dioxide emissions such travel would create, has called that "eco-suicide tourism".


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