Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Walk The Talk

Eversince I have been writing posts for this blog, I have learned a lot of things. What is the use of learning it without applying it. Might as well don't learn it at all.

So I try to apply what I learned. I went to Fraser's Hill last weekend. I read a lot of articles where they tell people to bring along trash bag to pick up rubbish on the trails. I forgot to bring but i found some plastic bags along the way. So i pick up what i saw.

It was fun. Seriously. But if you do it with other people. My dad helped picked with me. I was touched because usually people will just look at me and say "What is wrong with her?" or "eh, you nothing better else to do meh, pick up rubbish for people, so dirty."

Yea people words usually discourage what you intend to do, but i will just stick to what i think is right. Many people discourage me from pursuing what i want to do in the future, do something for the environment. They say i will have no future. But i don't know what kind of future they are talking about. If i don't do what i believe in, they will have no future.

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