Friday, June 22, 2007

Illegal Trade on ebay

The eBay have always been useful for people. However good things are usually used for wrong things too.

Illegal traders have been using the Internet to sell wildlife products. Many of us know that buying wildlife products is wrong but some times buying items from eBay cannot tell you exactly what you are buying.

It is sad to say that some times our own carelessness can cause extinction of the animals.

So if you feel that what I wrote is true, together ( hand in hand ) we can help these wildlife by

1)Write an e-mail to eBay and draw attention to any dubious offers you come across.
Banned products are advertised every day on eBay. Demand that eBay remove illegal wildlife offers from the auction site immediately.

2)Obtain information about the origins of products that involve the death of wild animals.
Learn more about the trade in live animals and the cruelty and suffering that is associated with it. Form a group to campaign against the wildlife trade! Share your knowledge with friends and family and make them aware of this important issue.

3)Keep your eyes open when surfing the Internet!
If you come across online offers on the Internet dealing in wildlife products or live protected animal species, then you should report these activities to your national authorities, or the main place to report illegal wildlife can be found at: http//

4)Don’t buy wild animals or wildlife products online.
Consumer demand is what drives the wildlife trade. The sale of endangered animals will only stop when there are no buyers. Make a conscious buying decision. The only sure way to act is to not participate in this trade.

5)Set a good example: dispense with wildlife products!
Wildlife should not be considered as commodities to be traded. Animals should not pay with their lives so that people can own luxury goods. Regardless of whether an item was a souvenir, a gift or an heirloom, do not resell it. Send these products to us. IFAW will use them as part of its PR work or collect them as evidence. Protect endangered species!

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