Sunday, June 3, 2007

Cruel Doings In Classroom.

Have you learn Moral when you were in secondary school? Or gone for religious studies before?

I remember once i read a comic strip in my text book. The student ask the teacher how does the internal organ of a bird look like. Then the teacher explain to her. Then one of the student suggested that why don't they catch a bird and dissect it to see for real. Then the teacher said that it was not a good thing to do to kill an animal just to see the internal organs.

It sounds rational right?

But what were we doing in our biology labs cutting up rabbits, mouse and frogs just to satisfy our curiosity?
A research was carried out and they found out that amphibians, birds, snakes, turtles, fish and invertebrates are taken from the wild for the use of dissection and many now are declining in their population. I have never thought that biology students are one of the cause decline of animal population. Never but I have always felt bad killing them and luckily i have never dissect one. My Bio teacher purposely forgotten about it i guess =D

Well analysts estimate that as many as six million wild frogs are destroyed each year in the U.S. alone for dissection. Of course it affects the ecosystem of that area. For example in India, "Frogs eat more than their weight in bugs every day. Farmers the world over have long relied on frogs to keep crops pest-free, but a lack of frogs in recent years has led many farmers to switch to pesticides. Concerns about this prompted India to ban frog sales in 1987. India had been earning $10 million yearly on frog exports, but was spending $100 million importing insecticides".

The chemicals used to preserve the dissection are also dangerous as they are hazardous air pollutant, water pollutant and waste constituent. Formaldehyde can cause nausea, headaches and breathing difficulties in people, and has been linked to cancer in animal studies. Schools discard millions of formaldehyde-laden classroom specimens each year, raising questions about its effects on the larger ecosystem as well.

The main purpose of dissection was actually to instill interest students in science. However it is giving an opposite affect. There was a study on seventh graders in the U.S where they found that fetal pig dissections fostered callousness toward animals and dissuaded students from pursuing science careers.

It was also encouraging cruelty toward animals outside the classroom.

Which I find that is it absolutely true. We should only dissect animals which are already dead.

Many students are now opting not to dissect animals. That is why they have now the Digital Dissection!

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