Wednesday, June 6, 2007

End Product Inhibition

We shouldn't worry about the Earth getting destroyed. The Earth can never get destroyed unless some one fill the core of the Earth with a lot of dynamites and burst this planet into pieces.

But the main concern is us and other creatures ( we are creatures too ) who are living here on this planet.

Every time when the Earth reaches a bad state, it will restart by its own. It's natural. It's the circle of life for the Earth. There will be bad weathers, volcanoes erupting, earth quakes, tsunami, major cooling of the earth, a total wipe down of the organisms living on this planet.

Some people worry about how this place that we are living in are getting too populated when it should not be worried about at all. I am not cursing mankind or some thing, but from time to time, there will be a big disaster where many people in some where in this world will get killed. For example SARS, the tsunami on 26/12/05, even AIDS, etc etc. People are just dying by the bulk. So there will never be enough people to over populate this Earth ( this is just my opinion ).

It's some thing like end product inhibition that I have learned during biology, where when there is an excessive amount of substrate being hydrolysed or formed, this substrate will bind to the thing which is forming them and 'destroy' it. It's like a control system in our body. Can see what I mean?

I feel that global warming is one of the 'resetors', but I believe if we can do something, its can be stopped.

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