Monday, January 7, 2008

Edexcel Biology Unit Three A Levels

Tomorrow I will be sitting for this subject. I use to think i will like it, as i will learn more about the environment. Yes, i did learn quite some things, more than what i have learned in my secondary school of course but I don't like how it is structured. Look very rigid to me.

We learned a little bit about quite a lot of things about causes, effects and ways to prevent issues such as global warming, deforestation, acid rain and desertification. We also learn about animal modes of nutrition and ecological pyramids.

The thing which i find rigid is that, the questions which they ask, the answers are all around this few things which we have learned. Making it looked like as though the causes of the world environmental problem are based on that few little things when it is actually not! There are so many other causes which we have not learn!

Yes I know, others are not in our syllabus, but they don't make the students think out of the box. The student just merely read the questions, list down all the issues that they have learned and choose one of them to answer the question. So easy when the real world problem is not like that at all. You can't just solve environmental problems by listing all the issues that you have known and assume that they are the same? Things are constantly changing, so as the answers and the causes of the problems!

That is why I find it very rigid.

1 comment:

  1. You can get help with Edexcel Biology (unit 3B included) here at my blog:

    Good luck!
