Wednesday, January 9, 2008

2008, A Whole New World?

Today my mom asked me about my course that I will be doing after I finished my A Levels. Today she found out how long my course will be and that I have made up my mind to study in Malaysia. Well, at least now she knows. For your information, she didn't support me, but i guess she is accepting it now =D

Anyway, Tadah! 2008 is here! And China has planned to ban the usage of plastic bags in supermarkets starting from the middle of this year! Those super markets which do not follow the rule will be taken action. I always know how deadly plastic bags can be to the environment, and i always hope that people can reduce the usage of it, but i never have thought of some one banning it. The idea is big, very big. They encourage people to use reusable bags or cloth bags now and no more giving free plastic bags ( below 250 mm, if i can remember ).

In Malaysia, there was once Giant Supermarket announced to the public that they will reduce the usage of plastic bags. At first I did see some difference, but now? Just look at how they pack your groceries, they can't be more generous than giving you more plastic bags. Yes, they have the vision, but they don't tell the cashiers ( especially the part timers ) to use the bags wisely.

One more thing which I am just curious is, how environmental friendly are the reusable bags? Is it as bad as those plastics bags too? Can it decompose? Well, i know its durable though and very colourful too. However, if our government plan to ban the usage of plastic bags in the supermarket, I will definitely support them. But i know it won't be happening because we are just too dependant on plastic bags.

Besides that, 10 years before today, who would ever thought environmentalist encouraging people not to buy bottled water, but instead drink your own tape water? People will ask "Now, what is their problem?"

Ever since the news of a death of a girl due to the poisoning of the girl's water from her very long use of a water bottle, people started to use reusable water bottles instead of the 'use once' water bottles you can easily get from supermarkets. It is sad how she died from such a cause, but people now use more reusable water bottles than the 'use once' water bottle. This reduces the stress that we put on the environment and it is good news.

Before this incident, many of us would use all these 'use once' water bottles because it is cheaper, light, cleaner and so easy to get. But the dump site were filled with all of these thrown away water bottles and at that time, few were recycling. Who knows we could build another twin towers by using those plastic bottles.

Well, I hope that this year will be a year of advancement in the environmental field.

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