Friday, November 23, 2007

Can You Live Without Plastic Bags?

About 95% in Malaysia will say no. Why? They think they cannot live without it. Ok It is kind of true because plastic bags are really light and durable and they do not take much space. For example, you want to bring a piece of bread to your college or office to eat, but all the Tupperware are big and bulky, you just want to keep your bread clean, so you will take the small white plastic bag for food and tadah! Save space and it's clean.

How about buying take aways food? Polystyrene box ( this is so bad for the environment and health ), then you want some chili sauce, so they pack it in the small cute plastic bags for you to bring it home, you want the sweet sauce for your BBQ pork, another small plastic bag for the sauce. Then that shop sells their food really well, i wonder in one day how many small plastic bags like those for the sauce have they distributed to people. Besides that, pasar malam ( night market ), so many variety of food! So delicious, all readily packed ( in plastics bags of course ) to be sold. And most of them are dump into the drains after being used.

Then in my college, there is this bakery, many students buy their bread. All their bread are wrap in plastic bags. I am not saying it is bad, it is actually very clean. They are also very considerate. If you buy more than one bread, they will pack the in a nice plastic bag so that it will be easier for you to carry. However, this plastic bag, the duration it is used is usually less than 5 to 10 minutes and then it will be thrown into the rubbish bin. Why can't they just stuff it in their bag which is so big and so much space just for a few minutes instead of taking that plastic bag and add on the pressure to the environment? Besides, the bread is wrapped in plastic bag, it won't dirty their books. Then some say they are too lazy to say "no need for the plastic bag please thank you" when the lady is packing their food for them. Then just to carry a loaf of bread of Gardiner (so tasty, you can even eat it on its own), is a plastic bag needed just to carry it to your car which is a few meters away from the bread stall?

With so many plastic bags around clogging the drains, taking up our land, we should not worry when the immigrants are going to take over our country but worry more about when the rubbish will swallow our land and we have no choice but to live on 'The Land Of The Rubbish Dump.'

Even worse, there are still people who never knew that plastic can be recycled! What happen to the recycling awareness campaign? Why are there still people who do not know that plastic CAN be recycled? I realised that the recycling campaigns are just focused in the developing cities but other places such as such as the villages and not so developed states, why are they not aware? These are the places which need to be taught the most because we can still prevent from rubbish over loading there when what we are doing here in the cities is finding solution to solve our rubbish overload at our landfill sites. Prevention is always better then curing.

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