Sunday, November 4, 2007

Don't Just Campaign, Give Us More!

There are a few reasons why Malaysians do not recycle. One of them is that, we just don't care. One more is, we get so little money recycling, so why care? I asked my friend one day if she recycles, and she said no because she get so little. Then yesterday i had 4 bags of plastics bottles which i sent for recycling and all i get back was just rm2 and the bag was 6kg. My mom complained it was so little, can't even cover her petrol money of the journey.

Seriously i don't blame her. Isn't that what most of us feel? But I will still do it because of my future. I don't want to live on a garbage dump by 2020. What is the use of a Vision 2020 when our country will just be a a garbage site.

The government have to stop talking and start doing. Yes they encourage us to recycle, and came out with nice slogans such as " Think before you throw. " I do hear people saying those phrases, they do think before they throw, but they just don't know what to think about and still simply throw their rubbish in the end.

To make them start "thinking", the government should think first and only the people will follow and start "thinking".

Why spend billions of Ringgit just to send a man to be a space tourist? Why not use the money for our country's development or how about giving me more money when i recycled four big bags of plastics? By doing so, won't people be rushing to recycle their things? Why give me RM1 for 3kg, why not RM1 for 2kg or even 1kg? People will start to "think" won't they? Moreover it is our money that we are getting back. It's the tax that we pay. Shouldn't we get back something when we show our love to our country by recycling?

Besides that, why are the recycling center so picky? Maybe just the center near my area, but why are they picky? They don't accept glass wares any more when they are suppose to accept the four main items: paper, aluminium cans, plastic and GLASS? Now i have to think how to get rid of them now. How to encourage people to recycle when it is so mafan?

One more thing is that, we don't take recycling seriously. i went to IKEA not too long ago and i was happy to see recycling bins placed almost every where. However, sad to say that people can't read or they are just blind because they can't read symbols. In the paper bin, there was plastic. In the plastic bin, there were disgusting things which do not belong to that bin of course. They should fine people like those.

Recycling is not an option now. It should be a responsibility already because soon it will be a national crisis. When it is a national crisis, it will be too late already. If you don't think that you can live for 5 more years or so, at least think for your children and your grandchildren or at least your beloved friends who wish to live a longer life than you.

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