Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Economy Versus Environment.

I found an interesting article about the war between economics and environment and how it would affect the human population.

Ever since the global warming issue started to become big, there were explosions of ideas of creating bio fuels to solve a big part of global warming. Politicians and government begin to propose ways on how to produce bio fuels. Cutting down more trees to plant more plants which can be used as bio fuels or change the crops grown for consumption into crops for bio fuels.

In this article, they refer to this politician as no brains, as what they have proposed is stupid. All these talk about bio fuels are just scams, they don't really think of the consequences of producing all these bio fuels. To produce so much bio fuels for the use of so many people is impossible, forest has to be cut down and land for food has to be sacrificed.

Well, the next point the writer was trying to say is, we can either choose one. To have more fuel and less food, or to have more food and less fuel because we have a limited number of land. If we choose fuel, the food price will increase tremendously. If we choose food, fuel price will go up. So do you want to eat or do you want to drive? You can't choose both.

These doesn't help the environment or the people. He then talks about the world is over populated and mass global starvation will occur as the Earth's carrying capacity is way off overloaded. The earth could stand maybe for a few decades but it would not last. He said humans are very good at two things; making babies and eating food. haha.

Here is an extract of the article.

"The truth about all this, folks, is that the resources on our planet can only support a limited population, and I think we've over-populated the planet to a point where we're wiping out non-renewable resources at an alarming rate. This means a population correction is due. When there are too many people consuming too much food, using up too much water and burning too much oil, you can get away with a rapid expansion for a little while (a few decades, perhaps), but eventually reality kicks in and there's a global population correction that brings the population size back down to levels that can be sustained on the planet."

If you don't understand what does global population correction means, it means catastrophe. But this catastrophe would be due to the effect of human activities. For example global warming might create a very huge hurricane or overheating of the earth causes many (billions of billions) of people to die.

So why say there will be a mass global starvation? well, due to the increasing temperature of the earth, many places become dry- unsuitable for planting crops. If you don't want to talk about global warming, no problem. oceans are over-fished, soils are over-farmed. so yeah. No food.

To read the full article, click here

Reading many environmental articles does bring some gloom into your life, but hey, it is better to wake up now and do something than not knowing it at all.

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