Friday, November 23, 2007

Can You Live Without Plastic Bags?

About 95% in Malaysia will say no. Why? They think they cannot live without it. Ok It is kind of true because plastic bags are really light and durable and they do not take much space. For example, you want to bring a piece of bread to your college or office to eat, but all the Tupperware are big and bulky, you just want to keep your bread clean, so you will take the small white plastic bag for food and tadah! Save space and it's clean.

How about buying take aways food? Polystyrene box ( this is so bad for the environment and health ), then you want some chili sauce, so they pack it in the small cute plastic bags for you to bring it home, you want the sweet sauce for your BBQ pork, another small plastic bag for the sauce. Then that shop sells their food really well, i wonder in one day how many small plastic bags like those for the sauce have they distributed to people. Besides that, pasar malam ( night market ), so many variety of food! So delicious, all readily packed ( in plastics bags of course ) to be sold. And most of them are dump into the drains after being used.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Don't Just Campaign, Give Us More!

There are a few reasons why Malaysians do not recycle. One of them is that, we just don't care. One more is, we get so little money recycling, so why care? I asked my friend one day if she recycles, and she said no because she get so little. Then yesterday i had 4 bags of plastics bottles which i sent for recycling and all i get back was just rm2 and the bag was 6kg. My mom complained it was so little, can't even cover her petrol money of the journey.

Seriously i don't blame her. Isn't that what most of us feel? But I will still do it because of my future. I don't want to live on a garbage dump by 2020. What is the use of a Vision 2020 when our country will just be a a garbage site.