Sunday, September 16, 2007

Norway's First Ecological Prison

I copied and paste this article because i find it very interesting!

The minimum-security Bastoey Prison, on a lush island south of Oslo, this week claimed to have achieved its 10-year goal of being the world's first ecological prison.

The prison, without locked gates or barbed wire, has often been compared to a summer camp, and now operates with solar panels, wood-fire heating instead of oil, strict recycling and ecological food production.

The idea is to help the roughly 115 prisoners learn important values, such as protecting the environment and respecting others, before they return to society.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Selayang Dog Catching Competition

Majlis Perbandaran Selayang organised a dog catching competiton to reduce the number of stray dog at that area. However this competitons encourages cruelty to animals and we have our responsibility to protect them as we are humans with a heart. So please sign this online petition at
Thank you.

Well, just read the newspaper, i am glad that they canceled the competition already. Hope god bless those who put in their effort to stop it from happening.

Energy Saving

Currently I am quite interested on the energy field.

I have thought of a few ideas and i hope it can actually work. Thanks to dee because she inspire me. Haha.

Currently, we are finding for clean energy. I have an idea where we can use wind and cars. It's not putting little fans on the cars to generate electricity ( this was what dee suggested) because it creates more resistance to the moving car, so more energy is used to move the car than the energy gain from the little fans.