Friday, September 14, 2007

Energy Saving

Currently I am quite interested on the energy field.

I have thought of a few ideas and i hope it can actually work. Thanks to dee because she inspire me. Haha.

Currently, we are finding for clean energy. I have an idea where we can use wind and cars. It's not putting little fans on the cars to generate electricity ( this was what dee suggested) because it creates more resistance to the moving car, so more energy is used to move the car than the energy gain from the little fans.

However, do you think it will work if we put little fans by our highways ( which we have so many along the peninsular), the cars usually moves fast, so there will be wind, and the wind will move these fans which are connected to a dynamo to create electricity. Maybe these electricity can cover the electricity for the road lamps on the highway.

Besides that, the ceiling fan in our homes, we can use solar energy. I think it is a good idea because when the sun is shinning on us brightly, that is the time when we need the fan the most, and that is the time where a lot of electricity is generated. We can also use solar energy for our public phones and cars. Then at least we can save a bit on petrol. It is time to mix and match.

I really can't wait to see the future where our landscape will change because there will be weird things on the land to generate clean energy. It will be so high tech.

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