Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Effects Of Global Warming.

We know what cause it and how to prevent it but we don't really know how will it effect us. We just see people panic without understanding why are they acting that way. And we go panic too. Monkey see monkey do.

Well, here are the effects of GW ( global warming ):

Extreme weathers- the green house gasses traps the heat from the sun light causing the amount of heat in the atmoshpere of our earth to increase. Thus increasing the temperature. Not just a little bit but at some place a lot such as in the dessert. Now most of the dessert are inhabitable for humans and animals unlike before.

Besides that the local climate becomes more unstable.maybe you haven't realised, but the monsoon season in Malaysia have shifted slightly compared to few years ago. i love the monsoon season that is why i noticed. Or maybe i am just simply sensitive.

Ice caps melting- because the temperature has increased, the ice at the north and south pole are melting. Why should we care if it melts? Nothing to do with us, right? Well, the melting of the ice caps cause the sea level to rise causing lower area which is nearer to the sea level to 'sink'. People die. Human extinction. Just kidding. This only won't cause human extinciton. You need more disasters.

Besides the sea levels rises, the temperature in the sea water changes too. This causes the sea current to change. The changes in the direction of the sea current brings big impact to the eco system and the economy of some countries who depends on the sea current to bring fishes to their country just like the show 'Finding Nemo' by Disney Pixar.

The rise of temperature of the sea also causes some marine life to be at the edge of extinction because marine life are very sensitive to the temperature of the sea water. Just a slight change of temperature changes the world down there. It also causes the marine life to change habitat. More fishes now are moving towards the poles because of its cooler temperature ( not so extreme anymore ). This makes the fisher mans there in Greenland happier.

Well, as there are more sea water now from the ice which has melted, the sea water now has more heat capacity to store heat from the sun causing further warming of the Earth.

Acidification- The pH of the sea water lowers as the 'excessive' amount carbon dioxide from the atmoshpere dissolve into the water. This causes the the shells (made from calcium) of the marine organisms to dissolve. It also will affect the organisms reproductively, physiologically and also their food chain.

GW also cause more forest fire and it increases GW and more forest fire and it goes on for ever..

Economically GW don't help us because it caused so many disasters and money need to be used to rebuild what was gone.

However for agriculture, the agriculture yield increases as there are more CO2 for them during photosynthesis ( a mechanism of making their own food for green plants ). But not for all countries such as Africa as most of their crops rely on rain-fed agriculture.

Migration- Some countries need to be evacuated as their flood defence may become economically inviable for them (for poor countries). These people are call environmental refugees.

Water scarity- rising in the temperature of the body cause us to drink more water to cool. Beside that eustacy ( rising of sea water ) will polluted our groundwater affecting drinking water and agriculture.

Heat wave- it is deadly and it has killed many people. It is the rise of temperature, some times too high for some people that they die. People with heart problems are vulnerable because one's cardiovascular system must work harder to keep the body cool during hot weather, heat exhaustion, and some respiratory problems increase.

Spread of diseases- SARS, Spanish flu ( influenza ), bird flu and more which are the cause of many human deaths are all said to be the effects of GW. The virus get to mutate in the high temperature and becomes hard to cure.

From here, many things happen because of GW. Some you might have known all these time, some not. Share what you have read with people you know so that we can save our self from destruction.

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