Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Degree Courses For Environment Lovers!

Do some of you feel that you were born in this world for a reason? Like God have sent you to do some thing, some thing BIG for the people, like a savior?

Or maybe you like to learn more about the environment, you didn't know there are courses offered by universities around the world just for people like you ( and also me =D).

Well here are a few courses listed for you together with the description of what you will get from it. Maybe you might want to consider of earning money through saving the environment. Make life more meaningful yea?

It is all under environmental science.

Environmental management- you will learn a wide field about the environment starting from wildlife until pollution(for some uni).

Environmental health- use science to find the connection between the environment and our health i think haha!

Marine biology- study about the ecology of marine and aquatic life

Terrestrial biology - study about the ecology of life on land

Wildlife and conservation biology- become like steve irwin or dr.bradybarr in animal planet or can work with WWF

Environmental Law- become lawyer to fight for the environmental organisations

Environment engineering- design and create stuff to help the environment

Fresh water biology and management- work for water management companies

Animal science-veterinarian and more, depends how creative you are to create you own job

Ecochemistry/ Environmental Chemistry/ Green Chemistry - Learn and study about chemistry which involves creation of less toxic substances from toxic material, waste management, natural substance and other studies involving chemistry and the environment.

Evolutionary biology- become like charles darwin, see what will we human evolve to in the next few decades
natural resource management- find ways to solve problems about our natural resource

Ecology - learn about the relationship between different animals/ plants/ habitat and how they interact with each other and appreciate the importance of each and every living being.

These are most of them. I am sure there are more courses if you look properly.

Working for the environment is never bad.

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