Sunday, December 1, 2013

Penguin Facts


Who does not like the blubber filled birds called penguins! 

Interesting facts about penguins coming ahead!

1. Penguins cannot fly thus they are categorized as flightless birds.

2. Their distinct colouring of white bellies & black back & wings is thought to hide penguins from predators in the sea. It helps with the camouflage.

3. Penguin’s body is designed for swimming, and includes tapering at both ends of the body for hydrodynamics, paddle-like wings and web-shaped feet.

4. Penguins are carnivores that catch all their food live in the sea. Depending on the species they can eat a variety of different marine animals, including fish, squid, shrimp, krill and other crustaceans.

5. Penguins’ eyes work better underwater than they do in the air, giving them superior eyesight to spot prey while hunting, even in cloudy, dark or murky water.

6. Larger penguin species are found in colder climates where their large body mass enables them to cope with the conditions, while smaller penguins inhabit warmer climate.

7. The largest penguin species is the Emperor Penguin. The smallest is the fairy penguin, also known as little blue penguin.

8. King and emperor penguins lay one egg. All other species of penguin lay two eggs.

9. Penguins don’t have teeth, they swallow their prey whole.

10. Penguins often slide on their tummies over ice and snow. This is called tobogganing. Researchers believe they do this for fun and as an efficient way to travel.

11. To keep from overheating, penguins pant like dogs to cool off. They also ruffle their feathers and hold their wings away from their bodies.

12. In the past, people ate penguin eggs. They also killed adult penguins for their feathers, skin, and oil. People also used penguin droppings (guano) to fertilize the soil and help grow crops. While this seems harmless, some penguins use guano to make their nests. When the guano was gone, they had to lay their eggs on the bare ground, where they were more susceptible to predators.

13. Many penguin species are monogamous and may stay with the same mate for several breeding seasons. And penguins make very good parents. Both the male and female care for eggs and chicks.

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