Sunday, December 15, 2013

What would happen if human goes extinct?

From the look of it, I don't think human extinction will happen quite yet because at the current stage, human population is just so huge!

Even if there is a massive natural disaster, or a big health epidemic disease, it is quite impossible to wipe out the whole human population entirely because we are very scattered around the world. We have humans in the cities, in the jungles, at the ice poles, at the dessert, living on the sea etc. We are almost every where!

But what would happen if we are all gone?

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Removing Carbon (CO2) From The Atmosphere

With the obsession of climate change and global warming, researchers have came up with several ways to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere with the hope that it would slow down global warming. This is called Carbon Geoengineering. These techniques are also referred to as carbon dioxide removal (CDR) or more simply, carbon technologies.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Story Of Stuff & So Much More!

The Story Of Stuff is an interesting series about how we consumers are taught or encouraged by manufacturers and business people to buy things that we do not need and which would harm the environment.

In this series of the Story of Stuff, interesting videos on how several daily items which we commonly used, are being marketed by manufacturers and make us consumers keep buying them.

These are really good videos to watch to understand more on consumerism and how business are pushing non essential items to consumers but making consumers think that we need them.

Penguin Facts


Who does not like the blubber filled birds called penguins! 

Interesting facts about penguins coming ahead!

1. Penguins cannot fly thus they are categorized as flightless birds.

2. Their distinct colouring of white bellies & black back & wings is thought to hide penguins from predators in the sea. It helps with the camouflage.