Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The New Generation of Environmentalist

I do not know if global warming is occuring but many scientist believe it is occuring. So far i have read quite some few scientific articles, and they usually connect their findings with global warming. This would include coral bleaching, introduction of new diseases, interruption of local ecosystems etc.

So maybe they believe it is happening because it is one of the possible explaination for their studies. I have friends who believe it is really happening and we must do something about it.

However there are people whom do not believe that it is happening. They say there is no solid proof that it is happening.

There are also who don't want to care if it is happening. These are mainly people too occupied with their life. Or too poor to care for the Earth when all they want to find is their next meal.


So people with a strong believe that global warming is happening would want the skeptics to change their mind. So there is like a mental war between both groups. The Greenies threatens the Goldies (skeptics) that if they don't do something now, they will die in a honorific way, or starve or being a cruel human being who doesn't care about their future generation.

Threats thrown by greenies make people avoid them. It's like Greenies are forming their own religion.

Coral bleaching

Even though I'm pro-environment, and i feel maybe global warming is happening together with other current environmental issues, i also avoid greenies from time to time. I don't really lecture people to be green unless they ask me. Maybe i have no guts to tell people off, but I don't feel comfortable telling people off.

So this has come to a point that greenies are not being that effective in sending out their messages.

The solution to this would be:

Instead of just barking at people for not being green, environmentalist should be more innovative to create practical options for people to choose from. We should think hard of creating appliences/ ways/ plans that are quite practical which encourages people of middle income or even better low income to use it. This mean the solution have to be cheap and easy.

People now know about green issues but they are not doing anything because all options provided are silly, stupid and inconvinient. Greenies would go an extra mile to do it, but people who are poor or busy or what ever would not do it if it takes so much energy to do it.

An example would be solar panels for heating up water. It is a good idea and many people are using it. It may not be cheap, but it is easy to be maintained and just so simple.

More of these things should be created, where it does not only benefit the environment, it also save our money.

We should always keep in mind that, large percentage of the world population are poor. They do not see beyond tomorrow, what more the future of our next generation. They do not have the money or time to do something which will not guarantee an extra day in their life.

If we can find for a really cheap and simple solution to manage our carbon footprint, waste etc, then there won't be any excuses for anyone not caring a little bit more for our Earth.

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