Thursday, April 21, 2011

Threatened Species: Dugong

Dugongs are marine mammals common in tropical coasts of East Africa, through south and southeast Asia all the way to Australia. Its body shape is similar to a pregnant lady which led to the idea of the presence of mermaids in the sea. But of course, that is not true. Dugong dugon belongs to the Sirenia order and it is the remaining species in the Dugongidae family. They are herbivorous animals, mainly focusing on specific seagrass species or marine algae if seagrass are scarce, so they are usually found grazing at the seagrass beds (Gales et al. 2003; Marsh et al. 1982). Having low birth rate and late sexual maturity, their population is vulnerable to disturbances (Hines et al. 2005). Large amount of energy is spent on raising their single offspring making them a good representative of consummate K-selectors (Pianka 1970). Little is known about this marine mammal because of their sensitive and shy character, most of the time avoiding places with human activities (Hutomo & Moosa 2005).

The Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture in Southeast Asia

Aquaculture is the farming of marine and fresh water fish, shellfish and aquatic plants which can be done in a marine or freshwater environment. It is an important sector as it reduces the pressure on the wildfish population due to overfishing (Naylor et al. 2000). Currently aquaculture supplies one-third of the world seafood supplies and is expected to increase due to the high demand of fish as a main protein source (Naylor et al. 2001). In Southeast Asia, the commonly used species for aquaculture are tilapia, shrimps (Penaeus monodon), crabs (Scylla serrata) and catfish to name a few (SEAFDEC 2009). Even though aquaculture is expected to provide a net increase of the global fish production, it has several negative impacts towards the environment. In this paper, major environmental impacts will be discussed such as discharge of effluent and chemicals from farms, introduction of exotic species, spread of disease, habitat loss and dependence of fish-based fish feed. Together with these, management of the impacts which are currently used will be discussed such as the integrated coastal zone management, management of farm effluent, disease control and the use of native species and low trophic level fish.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The New Generation of Environmentalist

I do not know if global warming is occuring but many scientist believe it is occuring. So far i have read quite some few scientific articles, and they usually connect their findings with global warming. This would include coral bleaching, introduction of new diseases, interruption of local ecosystems etc.

So maybe they believe it is happening because it is one of the possible explaination for their studies. I have friends who believe it is really happening and we must do something about it.