Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What is Evolution? Explaining through interesting YouTube videos!

What is Evolution? Explaining through interesting YouTube videos!

Evolution is a biological theory of how the current species of animals present at this time originate or changed in time from their ancestry form species many million years ago.

A very common example would be how did the ancestry form of apes changed and evolved to become humans.

In the internet, tons of articles are written about evolution, some are very simplistic articles while some could go on and on about other related theories and it can be a lot of materials to digest before you could grasp a good understanding of evolution.

However here, I will not dwell much on what evolution is, but rather share several YouTube videos which are very fun to watch and easy to understand and hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

List of Popular Environmental Concerns

List of Popular Environmental Concerns

It is good to know that now more and more people are getting aware about environmental issues and even started acting upon it in their effort to save their beloved environment.

Many years ago, the top environmental concerns were only global warming and anything to do with carbon foot print, but now the public are more aware about other issues such as food safety, health safety and many more which are directly related to our surroundings and environment as well.

Here are the list of top environmental concerns of the public in 2012/2013.