Monday, July 14, 2008

China With No Plastic Bags

Not too long ago, my mom just came back from a trip to China. She said in China people carry bags around as shops do not supply plastics bags to carry stuff in it. But if you need a plastic bag, they would charge you for it.

Yesterday i went shopping with my family. I have many of these really nice reusable bags. I took them along with me. I was hoping that my family will not take home extra plastic bags from our shopping spree. I was wrong.

It is not easy to for them to say no to plastic bags. I used to be shy, but when it comes to plastic bags i would usually say no. But sadly, my parents and sister are not like that. I am actually disappointed. It is a different case if we didn't bring the bag, but we had a bag. A few of them, all very suitable to carry heavy things.

My mom bought Shampoos. So i told her to hold on, i will get the bags from my sis, but she say it is ok. She wants the plastic bags when at home there are plenty. We have this plastic bag basket and it is filling up to the brim. It was never once near the level of the ground, so meaning we have too many of them.

I really can't push them into doing what i believe is right. It takes alot of energy and time. To them, they are just doing me a favour. I feel sad, unhappy. i used to talk about the environment with them, but they don't have any interest. Sometimes, doing what i believe creates some conflict.

I really don't want to fight with them. But i really don't want the future to be filled with plastic bags.

If the government wants a change, they have to make that change happen. If China can ban plastic bags, so can we. China is huge, while our country is small. How hard can it get?


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