Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Go Green! The Basics

One of the greenest man on Earth

After going through many environmental articles about how to save the world from destruction, I noticed something quite disturbing.

My friend used to tell me not to listen to people who talk green and sells green things like Al Gore, because they are just people who are trying to do business. They do not care bout the environment actually. It is known that Al Gore's house uses up a lot of electricity, so he is a faker.

Besides that, we used to think that we have managed to find solutions to reduce global warming, maybe by creating bio fuels etc, however research has found out that it do not reduce carbon emission but instead it increase carbon emission. This made people like me, feel very confuse. We want to help the Earth but we seriously do not know if what we are doing is actually helping it or killing it.

Besides that, recycling was thought to be a good thing. However we do not know if we have any net gain because recycling uses up a lot of energy. But that doesn't mean that you should stop recycling. It is just something we should think about.

So the best thing we can do is to do the basic things! There is no need to buy special electrical appliances to save the world.

Save the world by:
1! Saving water- don't forget to take a quick shower!
2! Saving electricity - switch of switches when not in use, sleep early (so the TV can rest), go out to exercise, use solar heater to heat water. Be creative but be practical as well!
3! Do not waste food - food not eaten have to be thrown and be placed at other places like the landfills
4! Buy only what you need, cut down on excessive packaging products - to reduce the amount of things going to the landfill as well
5! Walk more, drive less! save on petrol money!

All these can help you save your money! You do not need to be rich to be environmentally friendly.

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