Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mexican Volcano As Test Bed For Trees on Mars

Scientist are using the slopes of the volcanoes in Mexico to plant tress and if they can make it, it look like they can plant trees in Mars but with some adjusted conditions such as the raise in air pressure and so on.

The objective of doing this is to of course let trees grow in Mars within 100 years time and provide enough oxygen for organism like us to live there.

But I don't agree on this project! Yes, i do know that we are over populating this Earth, but who are we in this universe to simply take over a planet and start planting trees there? How sure are we that Mars is an empty planet? What if there are organisms living there and we intruding into their territory will create a planetary war. I am seriously not talking crap here.
They can do harm to us.

Even Stephen Hawking will agree with me because he totally disagree with the idea of communicating with other living organisms living in planets light years away from us. He says that, it's too dangerous, we don't know anything about them. It's a stupid thing to do.

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