Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Panda Poo Found Useful

Ping pong playing panda poo sculpture

One can never die of no money if they think well enough. A chinese wildlife research found out that panda's poo can be used to make souviniers and they have planned to make their olympic souviniers from it too.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mexican Volcano As Test Bed For Trees on Mars

Scientist are using the slopes of the volcanoes in Mexico to plant tress and if they can make it, it look like they can plant trees in Mars but with some adjusted conditions such as the raise in air pressure and so on.

The objective of doing this is to of course let trees grow in Mars within 100 years time and provide enough oxygen for organism like us to live there.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Malaysia Try To Clone Endangered Turtles

Malaysia is launching a 9 million ringgit project to clone some of its endangered turtles especially the leatherback turtles. Leatherback turtles used to be found at Rantau Abang, Terengganu. But as the years pass by, their number has decreased tremendously together with other species of turtles.

Their number are decreasing because of the illegal hunting of turtles where fisher mans kill them to make souvenirs out of their shells, selling their meat to restaurant and also their eggs, pollution and development of coastal areas.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Degree Courses For Environment Lovers!

Do some of you feel that you were born in this world for a reason? Like God have sent you to do some thing, some thing BIG for the people, like a savior?

Or maybe you like to learn more about the environment, you didn't know there are courses offered by universities around the world just for people like you ( and also me =D).

Well here are a few courses listed for you together with the description of what you will get from it. Maybe you might want to consider of earning money through saving the environment. Make life more meaningful yea?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Effects Of Global Warming.

We know what cause it and how to prevent it but we don't really know how will it effect us. We just see people panic without understanding why are they acting that way. And we go panic too. Monkey see monkey do.

Well, here are the effects of GW ( global warming ):

Extreme weathers- the green house gasses traps the heat from the sun light causing the amount of heat in the atmoshpere of our earth to increase. Thus increasing the temperature. Not just a little bit but at some place a lot such as in the dessert. Now most of the dessert are inhabitable for humans and animals unlike before.

Monday, July 2, 2007

The Good and The Bad of Ozone

Do you know what is the ozone layer?
It is made up of 3 oxygen unlike the oxygen that we breathe ( 2 oxygen ). It is formed naturally at the stratosphere of our earth. It protects us from the dangerous UV rays from the sun which can cause skin cancer to humans, destroy crops and kill some marine life too.

This ozone layer sound really nice to humans. However it is actually destructive to us when it is formed at the troposphere where it is nearer to human beings and life on earth. But this ozone layer is not naturally formed, but form from air pollution created by automobile exhaust and emissions from factories and power plants.

This ozone which form unnaturally is called the bad ozone. But why is it bad?